The Rules in the 1980’s

The Rules in the 1980’s Member PETER ROBINSON gives his account of past times.   The prophet (Merckx) and the apostle (De Vlaeminck) forge the foundation of The Rules  Many of you will be conversant with ethe rules espoused by Velominati, #5 – if you don’t know what that is look it up – well…

The Good ol’ Days

The Good ol’ Days Keri Williams reflects on his cycling past and how things have changed: I am now a gentleman of a certain age, (“moaning old git or MOG” is, I believe, the technical term the young ‘uns use for us!) I am also a cyclist who used to “do a bit” back in…

Cycling as Therapy

Cycling as Therapy A well known member, who wishes to remain anonymous, has written this interesting blog  I apologies from the outset, but this probably isn’t very interesting and certainly not amusing, but if it helps raise awareness, then job done. Some of you may be able to work out who I am, please be…

The birth of Golden Age Cycles

The birth of Golden Age Cycles  Member Brian Reid explains I’m Brian Reid a Banbury Star member who grew up in London. My parents never drove, so the only way to get around was on two wheels, and without any money for servicing or repairs, I soon became adept at repairing, servicing and restoring bikes…


Keri Williams sees the funny side of falling off your bike Write a blog they said, it will be fun they said, well my daily cycling life is not that interesting but I thought why not write about the most fun part of cycling .. ah yes, that will be the crashes then! First off…