Club Gender Inequality – 1891 to 1935

As explained in the November newsletter, the club has recently acquired a large collection of old club records, photographs and press cuttings. These are all now with a local historian and it is hoped that the material is sufficiently interesting to feature in a column he writes for the Banbury Guardian. Following our last blog…

Gender Inequality in Cycling

Lydia Watts reveals her experience of Gender Inequality in Cycling Having entered the sport at the tender age of 14, the gender inequalities in cycling were unknown to me. Like a lot of people of my age I bought a bike after being inspired by the London 2012 Olympics. There are numerous reasons why I…

My Bikes

My bikes According to Rule #12 of “The Rules” ( the correct number of bikes to own is n + 1, where n is the number of bikes currently owned. Also the minimum number of bikes one should own is three. So, on that basis, with four in the garage, I feel I can at…

Life Cycle or A Cycle Life

Senior club member Bill Ord tells us of his love of cycling and what keeps him going I’m often asked what keeps me riding my bike at “My Age”. Truth is I never think about “My Age” it’s only others that find it unusual, for me the years roll around and I roll with them.…

Riding Land’s End to John O’Groats

Member Joby Mullens recalls his recent LEJOG ride – something that was on his “to do” list, but which also gave him the opportunity to raise support for The Gatehouse Project. Joby’s Just Giving page  – – is still live for anyone interested in supporting the charity. This is Joby’s story:   “Excuse me, you…

My first year into cycling

Member Mike Gillett gives a fascinating account of his new found love of cycling My first year properly into cycling. I saw a post on the Village cyclist page inviting non-members to attend a 10 mile time trial starting at Greatworth. First of all I thought, what’s a time trial?  Secondly I thought, better dust…

My first ride with the Stars

On a recent club Saturday café ride I asked, new members in particular, if someone would like to write a blog about their first club ride, the idea being to try and inspire others to give club rides a go as we know many new, or would-be members, can find the idea somewhat intimidating. Step…

The Cycling Widow’s Revenge

An anonymous female member gives her account of The Cycling Widow’s Revenge I wonder what it is that drives otherwise bright, intelligent and reasonable men-of-a-certain-age to develop an obsession with dressing in what can only be described as obscene lycra garments and travelling around the countryside with groups of like-minded ‘sheep-scarers’? Yes, you can probably…

How I got into road racing

Member Moria Goodway tells us how she got hooked How I got into road racing. You could say it was all Keri Williams’s fault. One morning in the Spring of 2000 we were out on the 8.30 ride when, bless his little cotton socks, he suggested that I give road racing a try. Simon Kisley…