My road to Roubaix

Member Dave Pittman tells his story of riding the Hell of the North On the 12th April 2014, after nearly 6 hrs. Cycling 141km, 32.6km of which were over French Pave, I completed the 2014 Paris Roubaix Challenge. This was to be my first time riding the Queen of the classics, and will be the…

It’s never too late to start Time Trialling

Member Moria Goodway, the club’s long time and recently retired Press Officer, relates the story of her late start to cycling and its successful outcome. For various reasons I came late to cycle racing. I started probably around 1988, going on Laurie Allitt’s 9.30am Sunday club runs. When time allowed, I did this for a…

Ride with Cycling Weekly magazine

It wasn’t just Banbury Star CC who were celebrating a 125th birthday in 2016, the anniversary was also shared with Cycling Weekly, the UK’s best-selling cycling magazine. The club was previously the subject of an article as part of our 125th celebration and to build on this, Cycling Weekly came along on our Sunday 10am…

The Seven Cols – the creator explains

Keri Williams explains all you need to know about:- The 7 Cols The idea behind the 7 Cols ride came from one of those conversations all cyclists have had with a non-cycling friend. You know the one, let’s say you have been on a training spin to Warwick and back, you end up in the…

John Broughton

It’s with great regret I can pass on the news of the death last Wednesday of John Broughton who was a President of Banbury Star CC for 30 years, handing over the reins after the club had celebrated it’s 100th anniversary in 1981. John had just turned 90 and sadly suffered a fall. The club’s…

Star rides in the ’80s

Member Peter Robinson gives us another account of past times; Star Rides in the 80’s (Well from 1983 onwards!!!!) I hope having read the rules in the mid-80s this will give a feel for what it was like to ride with the Star in these times – some of those epic rides and the favourite…

BSCC Annual General Meeting

All members are invited to attend the club’s Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 31st January at Banbury Cricket Club, White Post Road, Bodicote. If you have anything for the agenda please send it to by Friday 27th January. It starts at 7.30 pm

Cycling Weekly magazine ride with BSCC

The Sunday Intermediate Ride on January 15th will have Cycling Weekly along for company and who will also be taking some photos for a future magazine article on the club. If you have it, please wear club kit – summer shorts and top in the middle of January give you instant bragging rights and rule…