Cycling and my weight loss journey

New member Johnathan Pape tells his amazing and well illustrated weight loss story, together with his new found love of cycling My story starts as a child. I was very skinny up until my pre-teen years, and then my weight piled on. By the time I left education at 18, I was already pushing 17…

The Almost 7 Cols

Member Adam Parle has some long rides planned for 2021 and what better way to start training than the challenge of The 7 Cols. Adam here relates a slight error along the way on his first attempt The 7 Cols is a notable route devised by Mr Timekeeper himself – Keri Williams.  It has been…

My first hill climb event – KH5 Burton Dassett

Martin Norris is a second claim club member (first claim Warwick Lanterne Rouge CC), who’s been joining us for our weekly TTs. One event was our annual Durran Cup hill climb, which Martin now recounts. Saturday 5th September was the annual hill climb event for Banbury Star CC. The course was the beautiful climb up…

From Lockdown 1.0 to cycling a century in November

We’re all aware of the big increase in cycling that has taken place during Lockdown and the new club members we’ve gained during this period. One such member, Hayley Holland, tells her inspiring story of how she very quickly fell in love with cycling. So, as many people did during lockdown my family and I…

Winter riding preparation

There are three certainties in life: 1) Taxes 2) Death 3) Mudguards for club rides during the winter months Several years ago we decided to make mudguards mandatory for club rides outside of British Summer Time so from when the clocks change. The rational behind this was to make club rides less of a splatter…

A cycling challenge in Dubai

Dave Tew, who is one of the club’s prescription delivery volunteers, has still had time to write this great blog about a challenge somewhere completely different.  Urban Ultra Challenge -Coast to Coast Ride – Dubai   In March 2019, I received an email from a friend, Jason, who had been living and working in Abu Dhabi…

Oxfordshire Supply Runs

Banbury Star CC and Banbury Harriers Athletic Club are working together with Cherwell District Council to deliver medication from the town’s pharmacies to those members of the community who are following the Government’s guidelines on self-isolation and limiting their travel. Over 30 members of the club have rapidly volunteered to help, giving us morning, afternoon…

Roy Douglas

For anyone old enough to have been riding with Banbury Star in the 1960s, or who has studied the winners of our trophies from that period, one name in particular stands out: R. Douglas. In his time, Roy Douglas was a formidable time trial rider putting in times that would be very competitive some 55…

Omloop Het Nieuwsblad – a Flanders Classic

The Spring one day Classics start soon and Mike Kirby can’t wait for the Omloop in particular as he describes here. Only Fifty Sleeps. It’s only 50 more sleeps to Omloop Het Nieuwsblad I gleefully announced the other day. ‘You are such an anorak’ said Helen looking mystified and a bit bored. She knows full…