Silverstone, skinsuits and speed

New joint Race Secretary Richard Santhouse, explains what went on at Silverstone recently for a few members On Thursday 10th November, some of the Banbury Stars took the opportunity to visit Silverstone Sports Engineering Hub as Kalas, our kit providers, presented an evening with Vorteq. The idea of the evening was to get an insight…

Winter Endurance Training

New joint Race Secretaries, Richard Santhouse and Josh Lovell, have already been busy formulating plans for next season. In fact, it’s already started, with an initial training ride over the weekend. The plan is, to have these winter rides of around 60-70 miles every Sunday, starting at 8am, from Easington pub. No cafe stop is…

Five Reasons

Honorary club member Keri Williams is a legend when it comes to all things relating to time trialling. So, sit back, relax and read why you should be on the starting line for March’s “Come & Try” 5 mile TT. There was a lot of talk about time trials at our recent AGM and more…

First club ride for ages

Club TT Secretary Rhys Martin – after a long break from club rides – reminds us all why our weekend rides are such a good friendly experience. Having not ridden a club ride in 15 months, a wet Saturday in October seemed a good place to start. Well, that and the fact the wife and…

Cycling Banbury to Marseille

Club member Joby Mullens gives another great account of his touring adventures – this time in aid of the charity Mind. He’s written two previous blogs, Cycling Banbury to Florence (2018) and Riding Land’s End to John O’Groats (2017) which can be found on these pages. The flashing blue light of the police car and…


Back in August member Ila Pearson took part in her toughest triathlon yet and here she recounts her remarkable story Course Overview 3.8 km Lake Swim. Transition 1 (T1) at Tännforsen Turiststation. 205km Road Bike. Transition 2 (T2) in Åre Björnen. 42km Run (mostly trail). Transition T2A in Fröå Gruva (this acts as the mountain…

Epic Alp Challenge

A lot of members will have known about Dickie Ivins recent epic charity ride. Well, here’s the full story already in a great blog When the opportunity came up to take part in the challenge it was a too good of an opportunity to pass up as it’s been on my bucket list for a…

A Very Big Adventure

Club member Mike Kirby writes another great blog about his latest long distance ride ‘We have sweet and sour pork and would you like some jelly to follow’? said a kind lady at the last of the controls. It was 2 in the morning, around me, tired bodies lay inert on the floor, heads slumped…