Welcome to Banbury Stars women’s page where we have bought together a collection of interesting and (hopefully) helpful links, information and support materials for those of us riding within the club or who are interested in cycling and want to do more of it.

For a cycling club that is over 130 years old there have been some great achievements within it’s ranks, and we are very proud to have great breadth and depth of female participation in the cycling club from young female juniors racing at local level in Circuit, Time Trialing and Cyclcross to regular attendance of many others in our regular Saturday rides.

There are some remarkable female role models who ride regularly with the club, and you will always find someone who is willing to offer advice or support, whether it’s within a race environment or simply on our social weekend rides.

Group of female cyclists

We also have several accredited Breeze Ride leaders within the club who work with British Cycling as volunteers to lead women only rides. These are aimed at helping to encourage more women to get into cycling and are usually short social rides, but typically involve a café stop for coffee and cake.

If you like the sound of joining in with some of our cycling activities and want to know more, please get in touch with Heidi Yates who is the women’s representative and can be contacted on – ladiesrep@banburystar.co.uk.


We have included some links to other sections of our website that you may find useful, plus some “how to” videos and areas where you can find out more details on the British Cycling Breeze Rides.

Links to